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The nautilus is a symbol of strength, beauty and perfection. Our sculpted shell, is a copy of an original shell, that can be used as a vase or as a case for aromatic herbs. The shell is crafted by hand and is made of shiny copper with base replicas of real sea shells. A work of art, a unique and very special gift, to decorate your office and your home.
Dimensions: 15 cm x 18 cm x 6 cm
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The nautilus is a pelagic marine mollusc of the cephalopod family nautilidae, the sole extant family of the superfamily nautilaceae. Nautilidae, both extant and extinct, are characterized by involute or slightly evolute shells, with compressed or depressed whorl sections. Their shells resemble the shell of the snail.
The word nautilus is deprived from the Latin form of the original Greek nautilos (ναυτίλος), which means sailor in Greek. Having survived relatively unchanged for millions of years, nautiluses represent the only living members of the subclass nautiloidea, and are often considered "living fossils".
Its gorgeous shell features the best natural example of a logarithmic spiral. It is also considered as a symbol for strength, since this shell can withstand very high pressure. The nautilus is also a symbol for perfection and beauty.
Nautiluses' Fossils are held at Goulandris Natural History Museum in Athens.
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