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The javelin throw was first introduced in the ancient Olympic Games in 708 B.C, as a part of the ancient Pentathlon event. We created a collection of small framed relief plaques, depicting sports of the Olympic Games, for your home or office decoration. The depiction is inspired by the representation of the sport on an ancient red-figure kylix. The relief plaque is made of copper, plated in silver solution 999° and mounted on a wooden frame. The frame is suitable for hanging and standing, in order to be easier for you to use it.
Dimensions: 14cm x 14cm x 2cm
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The javelin throw is a track and field event where the javelin, a spear, is thrown. In antiquity, it was one of the favorite events of many mythical heroes and the ancient Greeks considered Apollo, as its patron. It was seperated into "ekebolon" javelin throwing, which was judged by the distance the javelin was thrown, and the "stochastikon" javelin throwing, where the javelin was thrown at a specific target and usually the athlete was riding a horse. The "ekebolon" javelin throwing was one of the five events in the ancient pentathlon, that was introduced to the ancient Olympic Games in 708 B.C.
The javelin in Ancient Greece was a weapon in war and hunting, and eventually the Greeks tested their skill with the javelin in athletic competitions. In prehistoric times, javelin throwing was referred to as a separate event, as in the Homeric epics. The javelin, that was used by the ancient grrek athletes had a leather thong, called an ankyle that was wound around the middle of the shaft.
The ancient red-figure kylix with the depiction of a javelin thrower is held at Staatliche Mussen in Berlin.
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