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We have designed a variety of shapes to be used as a bookmark and to be given as a special gift to friends and colleagues. The design of a fish relief, lead us to create for you a unique brass bookmark in the shape of a fish, which is a very popular symbol, especially in Christianity. Available in solid silver as well!
Dimensions: 4,2cm x 2,2cm x 2mm
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The fish is one of the most popular Christian symbols. It symbolized Christ himself, as the initial letters of the words Ιησούς Χρίστος Θεού Υιός Σωτήρ (Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour) spelt outIchthys (ΙΧΘΥΣ), meaning fish in greek. It is probably the most famous symbol of Christians after the Cross. The fish symbol was used by the first Christians especially in the catacombs and in funerary inscriptions as a symbol of salvation.
Types of fish were depicted in ancient vases, coins and frescos. The fish was sacred to the Greco-Roman mythology, where it held symbolic meaning of change and transformation. Nowadays, the fish feature prominently in art and literature.
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