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We created a guitar pick with an engraved depiction of the Vergina Sun (Star of Vergina), that decorated the golden larnax (ash-chest), which was found in the tomb of King Philip II of Macedonia. The larnax dated around to 5th century B.C. A common symbol of ancient Greece, that we find decorating coins, pottery, paintings and statues, long before the Macedonian kingdom and Argead dynasty. The guitar pick is crafted by hand and are made of solid silver 925°. A unique gift for those, who admire music, art and civilization.
Dimensions: 2,6cm x 3cm x 1mm
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The Vergina Sun or "Star of Vergina" is a symbol that was widely used by the Ancient Greeks. Although the Sun of Vergina is a national symbol, it is known because of the Macedonians, who used it as a symbol of the Argead dynasty in the Kingdom of Macedonia. The four rays represent the four elements, Earth - Sea - Fire - Air and the other twelve rays represent the twelve Gods of Olympus.
The symbol was found during archaeological excavations in 1977 by the archaeologist Manolis Andronikos in the archaeological site of Vergina, in Macedonia, Greece. It was depicted on a golden larnax found in a fourth century BC royal tomb belonging probably to King Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great.
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