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The depiction is a detail of the famous fresco of dolphins, which decorated the walls of Akrotiri in Santorini. It dates back to 1650 BC. The Dolphins, are a detail from the famous 6 metre fresco of a procession or escort of ships at the Akrotiri on Santorini island. Eight large ships and three smaller vessels, all powered by oarsmen, travel from one port to another with centre stage taken by the flagship of the fleet.
We have created an exclusive decorative item handmade of gold-plated 24K copper, mounted on an acrylic base. A perfect gift for the office or the home.
Dimentions:8 cm x 9cm x 8cm
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The fresco of a ship parade (niopompi) is one of the greatest monuments of European art. It was found at Akrotiri in Santorini Island.
It illustrates a convoy of 14 different sized rowing boats, between two ports with the dolphins aside. It is dated to 1650 BC, in the Bronze Age. It is a painting of exquisite Minoan art. It shows a fleet of ships leaving one city and arriving at another.
The painting has a narrative character and probably relates to a historical event, a mythological story, in an invasion or a festivity.
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